Alison Davey of...

Alison Davey of AD Antiques came to me to request an updated image for her website. It had to be professional while reflecting Alison's personality and creativity. We decided to use the terrifically atmospheric surroundings of Harts Silversmiths at the Old Silk Mill in Chipping Campden - such a fab place - as well as a few other interior locations around the town. I think what was achieved was a truly contemporary portrayal of Alison in heritage surroundings that fits well with her traditional business. Image


Family photoshoot in Brighton

Last month I headed down to wonderful Brighton to photograph my good friends Kate and Ali with their 8 month old baby girl, Molly. Brighton has it all when it comes to fab venues for photoshoots - so we headed out into The Lanes and made the most of the vibrant shops and street entertainment as well as the elegant Pavillion Gardens (well we had to get the local landmark in at least one shot!). Molly was totally absorbed with everything going on around her and the approach helped Kate and Ali relax in front of the lens. A quick stop off at Lick for luscious frozen yoghurt (think I went a bit overboard with the toppings) and we headed home with some really great shots. Thanks Kate and Ali - really enjoyed the day (and the frozen yoghurt!).